Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Ready to Goal Set?

Goal setting sounds simple but many people often don't set goals nor write them down due to FEAR and confusion. Many people are unclear on how to take the first step to set their first goal. If you are overwhelmed with goal setting and don't know where to start, pick one goal and start with that goal. Don't overanalyze just start writing. 

Being a life coach, I coach my amazing and gifted women with setting realistic and unrealistic goals. We also need to set unrealistic goals because we need to achieve the impossible because we need to challenge ourselves and elevate our life's purpose. If you coach with me, you will set realistic and unrealistic goals.

I decided to create two goal setting worksheets to help those who are fearful or confused about where to start. 

4 Ways to Be A Better Goal-Setter Worksheet: Ready, Set Goals and Plan Action Steps  
Short and Long Term Goal Setting Worksheet: Personal and Professional Goal Setting 

I want you to challenge yourself and FACE FEAR when you set and achieve your goals. FACEFEAR= Financial, Attitude, Career, Education, Family, Exercise, Arts, and Recreation. 

Instruction on worksheets:
  1. Print worksheets
  2. Write goals at the top of the worksheet where it states the goal. This step is the most important part of goal setting. When you write down the goal, you are being held accountable for putting action behind it.
  3. The action plan section is key. You want to be thorough. You want to add the start date and completion date of when you will complete the goal. Write down the day, month and year in which you will start and complete the goal by. For each goal you write down you are now committed and accountable to achieve that goal.
  4. At the bottom of the worksheet, you have checkpoints in increments of 2 months. These checkpoints keep you on the task of achieving your goal. Whether if your goal is long or short, please check in with your goal every two months or as often as you like. 

I look forward to hearing from those who are downloading the worksheets and setting goals. 

What short and long term personal and professional goals are you looking to achieve?

Make sure you comment on Brown Girl From Boston blog! Look forward to hearing about your goals and holding you accountable for achieving your goals. 

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