Thursday, June 29, 2017

Social Media Will Not Kill My Vibe!

Hey FLYness,
I have finally settled down here in "Sweet Home Alabama" and I am loving the 80-90 degree weather. I guess you can say that I am activating my melanin and enjoying the healing process. I have recently celebrated two months post surgery. Yay!

Well, this is about celebrating my post surgery victory, but the tremendous amount of time and energy we spend on social media. Recently, I have mindlessly "Liked" this and "commented" on that to the point, I was like hold up, why am I putting energy into this nonsense? I had to step away and realize that I have become a social media crackhead or an addict. Yikes and yuck. Raise your hand or nod slowly if you have become a social media crackhead addict. Social Media addiction is real and it is equivalent to being a drug addict. I don't know about you, but I don't have an addictive personality and don't want to learn and develop bad habits.

When you start becoming annoyed by the narcissist on your Timeline, second guess your life, become obsessively offended by judgmental and imperfect folks, get into squabbles with folks in the comment section and say things we wouldn't dare to them in their face or compare your actual life of someone's filter and highlight reel, you need to go ahead and check yourself because you are about to wreck yourself and your entire self-esteem and life.

Despite running an online business, being a blogger, being a social media consultant for a small tech firm, and help creatives and individuals with their digital content; I've decided to take a 30-day social media detox. I love the detox thus far because my focus, discipline, and life is more simple. I am able to live in the moment without the fear of missing out, I am able to have deep and meaningful connection with my family, I am able to focus on my healing instead of updating my status every hour and plus I have learned how to really perfect my BBQ skills and made BBQ sauce from scratch without having to update it or take a photo to make it real lol. S/O to my step-pops for helping me perfect my BBQ skills and now being an heiress to my homemade BBQ sauce. Don't be jealous, y'all.... I might share some BBQ sauce since I have made 4 gallons of it.

Imagine, if I was still glued to social media, I would have been posting about this, perfecting my photos, and trying to create an online store to sell my BBQ sauce. I am okay with just living in the moment and enjoying creating dope things without the entire world knowing.

I will keep you all posted each Friday about my social media detox and the meaningful things I am adding onto my life. Do you need to take a social media break? If so... join me on this journey. If you decided to take the social media journey decide how many days you are willing to go without social media. Once, you decide a number of days, invite others to do the same. Don't make a huge announcement about it. Take all social media apps off your phone. Also, you can add some free tools to keep your focus when you are on your laptop/MacBook and etc.

1. StayFocsd Chrome Extension is a productivity tool that helps you to block the sites you frequent and steal your productivity time.

2. Facebook News Feed Eradicator Chrome Extension- this helps with filtering your timeline and helps you to be mindful and positive by replacing your timeline with daily quotes.

3. OurPact- it blocks social media apps from your phones. This is actually an app for parents to block social media apps from their kids' phone but we as adults need to use it for self-control as well.

I hope you have a beautiful Friday and weekend. Protect your neck, eyes, energy, and align with people who will do the same. Make sure you are chasing your purpose and live a simple and happy life.

Also, if you need anything such as booking me for speaking engagements, coaching sessions, have a question; please email me at drea@browngirlfromboston

Schedule for 30 Minute Strategy Session:

Peace, Love, and Light,

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