Thursday, July 25, 2024

Establish Boundaries, Set Intentions

In this video, I share the importance of establishing and enforcing boundaries and intentions in your life. Learn how setting clear limits on what you accept and reject can help prevent others from playing with your emotions and time. Empower yourself to take control and build healthier relationships.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Dear Sis: Image is Everything - Empower Your Self-Esteem and Self-Respect

Hey Sis, In today's video, we dive deep into the importance of image and how it impacts our self-esteem, self-respect, and self-love. Remember, how we present ourselves in real life and on social media matters. Not all attention is good attention, so let’s be mindful of the image we display. Let's uplift and empower each other to be our best selves. 💖✨ “You are your best thing.” - Toni Morrison. Don't forget to: Explore The Fly Girl Shop by Andrea: Find unique, handcrafted items that inspire and uplift. Visit Book Coaching Sessions: Tailor-made coaching can help you achieve your personal and professional goals. To book a session, visit Read the Brown Girl From Boston Blog: Dive into insightful personal development and self-improvement posts. Visit Hit the subscribe button and turn on notifications for more inspiring content. Share this video to spread positivity and help empower other women on their journey to self-love and self-respect.

Break Free from Naysayers and Imperfection: Share Your Divine Purpose

Are you letting imperfection and unsupportive people hold you back? It's time to break free and share your purpose, given by the Most High! This video explores how you can overcome these obstacles and start living a purpose-driven life. Don't let anyone or anything stop you from achieving your dreams. Watch this video to get inspired, motivated, and empowered to shine your light and fulfill your divine purpose. Call to Action: 🌟 If you found this video helpful, please give it a thumbs up! 🌟 Subscribe to my channel for more motivational content:    / @browngirlfromboston   🌟 Share this video with someone who needs to hear this message! 🌟 Leave a comment below on how you plan to overcome obstacles and live your purpose. 🌟 Check out my Etsy shop: The Fly Girl Shop by Andrea: 🌟 Book your coaching clarity call: Brown Girl Coaching: 🌟 Read my blog: Brown Girl From Boston:

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Everyone Should Not Be A Therapist

Mental health awareness is crucial in today's world, especially within minority communities. However, it's essential to understand that not everyone can be a therapist. This profession requires specialized training, deep empathy, and an extensive understanding of human behavior. In our latest blog post, we delve into why professional therapy is vital and why seeking guidance from qualified mental health professionals is important.

We explore the unique challenges faced by minority communities in accessing mental health care and the importance of having trained professionals who can provide the right support. This post highlights therapists' significant role in promoting mental wellness and the need for more accessible mental health services in underserved areas.

If you found this blog post insightful, please share it with your network and leave a comment with your thoughts. For more content on mental health and wellness, subscribe to our newsletter and stay updated!

Friday, July 5, 2024

You Can't Heal and Be Productive in the Same Environment That Made You Sick

In this video, we explore the challenges of healing and maintaining productivity while staying in the same toxic environment that caused your distress. We explore why it's crucial to recognize these harmful influences and provide practical steps for creating a healthier and more supportive setting for your growth. Join us as we discuss the importance of self-care, boundaries, and seeking new spaces that foster healing and productivity. Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more insights on mental well-being and personal development.

Need help exiting a toxic work or relationship environment? Book your free 15-minute clarity call with me:

For more personal and professional development, visit Brown Girl From Boston.

Shop for glow-up and fly-girl accessories and stationery at my Etsy store, Fly Girl Shop by Andrea.

Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more insights on healing and personal growth!

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Prioritizing Mental Health in the Helping Profession: A Call to Action


The Importance of Self-Preservation and Self-Care in the Helping Profession

Growing up, my mother imparted many valuable lessons, but one in particular has resonated deeply with me throughout my career as a social worker: "You have no business helping anyone if you haven't helped yourself first." Her words, rooted in wisdom and love, have shaped my understanding of self-preservation and self-care, especially in the helping profession.

As social workers, therapists, counselors, and other helping professionals, we are often so focused on caring for others that we neglect our needs. We dive headfirst into our work, driven to make a difference, heal, and support those in need. However, this relentless dedication can come at a significant cost if we do not prioritize our own mental health and well-being.

 The Challenge of Secondary Trauma

One of the most pressing issues in our field is exposure to secondary trauma. We listen to stories of pain, suffering, and loss daily. While trained to handle these situations professionally, we are still human, and these stories can affect us deeply. Secondary trauma, also known as vicarious trauma, can lead to emotional exhaustion, burnout, and even physical health problems.

Compounding this is the reality that many of us enter the profession with unresolved trauma. When left unaddressed, these issues can be triggered by the stories we hear and the situations we encounter in our work. This can affect our well-being and impact the quality of care we provide to our clients.

The Role of Education and Support

During my tenure as the Director of Practicum and Internship, I witnessed firsthand social work students' struggles. On several occasions, I had to pull students out of their placements and refer them to the counseling center because their unresolved trauma was being triggered. These experiences highlighted a critical need: we must provide robust mental health support to social work students from the outset of their education.

Equipping students with access to therapists and mental health resources can help them navigate the challenges they will face in their careers. By addressing their own issues early on, we can ensure they are better prepared to handle the emotional demands of their work. This proactive approach benefits not only the students but also the clients they will eventually serve.

As professionals, we must prioritize our own mental health before we can effectively care for others. Self-preservation and self-care are not selfish acts; they are essential to providing quality, equitable support to our clients. Our clients deserve to be in safe, healthy, and healing spaces, and we are responsible for creating those environments.

By prioritizing mental health within our profession, we can ensure that we are not only helping others but also taking care of ourselves. Let’s commit to fostering a culture of self-care, support, and well-being in the helping profession.

Remember, as my mother wisely said, "You have no business helping anyone if you haven't helped yourself first."

#MentalHealthMatters #SocialWork #SelfCare #ProfessionalDevelopment #TraumaInformedCare #StudentSupport #HelpingProfession

Monday, July 1, 2024

Reflections from My Sabbatical: Embracing Holistic Health and Personal Growth


Returning from the hustle and bustle of a demanding career can be a transformative experience. During my recent vacation and career sabbatical, I prioritized my holistic health, allowing myself the time and space to reflect deeply on my professional journey. Here are some key insights I've gained:

1. The Price of Silence

I stayed in environments where my voice was silenced for far too long. I allowed myself to be shortchanged by stagnant institutions and systems that needed to be more active in their ideas, innovation, and practices. This period of reflection made me realize the importance of speaking up and advocating for change, not just for myself but for the betterment of the organizations I am a part of.

2. The Illusion of Power

Job titles often come with clout, power, and control, but these attributes don't necessarily equate to positive and productive leadership, growth, prosperity, or progress. Authentic leadership inspires and uplifts others, fostering an environment where innovation and collaboration can thrive. It's about making a meaningful impact, not just holding a prestigious title.

3. The Insecurity Behind Bragging

I've noticed that individuals constantly reminding others of their successes, accomplishments, and degrees often need to be more secure, power-hungry, and challenging to work with. Their behavior typically stems from jealousy and an inability to appreciate others' accomplishments, likability, and kindness. Genuine confidence doesn't need to be broadcasted; it speaks for itself through actions and integrity.

4. The Hidden Harm in the Helping Professions

It's a sad truth that only some in the helping profession are there to help others. Many are there to cause further harm, driven by their own unresolved and unhealed trauma. This realization underscores the importance of self-awareness and continuous personal development in professions dedicated to helping others. Healing oneself is a crucial step in truly healing and supporting others.

Moving Forward: A Commitment to Growth and Well-being

As I continue my journey, I am committed to prioritizing my holistic health and embracing environments that value innovation, growth, and genuine leadership. This sabbatical has been a powerful reminder that actual progress comes from within and that fostering a healthy, supportive, forward-thinking professional environment is essential for personal and collective success.

I encourage everyone to take the time to reflect on their own journeys, to speak up for change, and to prioritize their well-being. Let's create spaces where every voice is heard, where leadership is synonymous with growth and inspiration, and where the true purpose of helping professions is honored and upheld.

Call to Action

Are you looking to create an exit plan to help heal and tap into your inner peace and happiness? Book a clarity call with me at

Let's Connect

I would love to hear your thoughts and experiences. How have you navigated your professional journey? What insights have you gained from taking a step back and reflecting? Share your stories, and let's support each other in pursuing holistic health and professional growth.