Monday, December 11, 2017

Week 2: #ProtectYaMentalHealthMonday

Week 2 of discussing how to protect your mental health and magic during finals for all the college students in the Brown Girl Tribe! Last week we discussed a study group, not cramming for tests, time management, and organization management!
Week 2 Tips: 
✔️Hydrate yourself with water and hot tea with lemon and honey! If you love coffee, please drink your coffee before 2pm. Drinking caffeine after 2pm can cause afternoon crashes, anxiety, keep you up at night and can cause nightmares and night tremors.
✔️Keep healthy snacks on deck. Snack on fruits, veggies, and protein-filled snacks. Meal prep is key during the study for finals because you don’t have time nor resources to spend on unhealthy snacks filled with sugars, fats, and fillers.
✔️Get at least 6-8 hours of sleep. Your brain, your body, and your soul need to be recharged. Don’t do all-nighters because it is taxing on your body and brain, you will have trouble remembering what you’ve studied, your sleep will be thrown off and you will be moody AF! Don’t pull an all-nighter!
✔️Take breaks, breathe, and meditate. Before you pick up a book or your phone, take 3-5 minutes to meditate, practice deep breathing and set a positive intention for your study session. You can even include your study group on these meditative sessions. This will calm down your mind and body. Setting the mood and positive intention will help keep your focus and mindful of acing your finals.
What tips would you like to share on studying and protecting yourself during finals? Share in the comment section!

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