Tuesday, November 18, 2014

I've Learned, Lost, and Loved in 2014

“You can spend minutes, hours, days, weeks, or even months over-analyzing a situation; trying to put the pieces together, justifying what could've, would've happened... or you can just leave the pieces on the floor and move the f%^k on.” ― Tupac Shakur

We are a 44 days away from 2015 and I already proclaim my ultimate aha moments blessed from Jehovah. I love to reflect on my life and look in the mirror to check my battle scars, have the heart to heart conversations and give thumbs up to my progress. This year I've lost friends, family members and often times my sanity. I've learned that life goes on, one person don't stop the show, and I am unstoppable and progress greatness! I've loved on myself more, learn to love my Father in a way that I didn't think I could and released my best friend with love. I've learn how to live with less, lived with some tough decisions and lived with an open and courageous heart.

While typing this blog, I felt a piece of serenity and calmness come over me because I know Jehovah blessed me with another "aha" moment that I had to share with the world. In 2014, I have found my voice, power and hope because at one point in my life I gave my voice, power and hope away in exchange for validation, lustfulship, and fake friendships. These things were a facade because it fulfilled a void, emptiness, numbness and internal struggle of ME. I did not need anyone to beat me up or torment me because I did a wonderful job doing these things to myself. I had to release myself from the bondage that I placed myself in. Being liberated gave me the opportunity to look within and look outward in the mirror to have the difficult conversations to start the healing process.

I wrote this blog post for someone who need to be liberated from the imprisonment of your self-loathing, lack of self-sense and numbness.

I've Learned....
I've learned in my 31 years on Earth that Jehovah created a masterpiece when he created me.
I've learned how to not give away my star and soul power.
I've learned how to take people's opinions about me with a grain of salt.
I've learned that I am a trailblazer.
I've learned that I have outgrown people.
I've learned who I am!
I've learned that I am dope, unique, beautiful, fabulously flawed, authentic, vulnerable, sensitive and love hard.
I've learned that it is okay to cry because crying especially ugly crying cleanse your soul, it is okay to ask for help from the right people because everyone isn't look to help you, some are secretly praying for your downfall.
I've learned that life goes on despite the drama, the emptiness, hurt feelings and craziness. You have to learned how to kick life's behind and get it in.
I've learned that despite being a dope and fly person, someone isn't going to like you and that's perfectly okay because that's their lost and you keep it moving.
I've learned that toxicity and hating is bad for your health because some people find it necessary to imitate you despite hating you. Go figure!
I've learned how to wish people well even when I didn't want to. Jehovah and Karma will handle them.
I've learned how to turn the wheel over to Jehovah and let him guide my purpose and passion
I've learned how to be unstoppable!
I've learned that my mother is also my sister-friend.
I've learned how to live on very little which humbled me to the fullest.
I've learned how to breathe, flow and let go.
I've learned how to block, delete and release some people from my life.
I've learned that I am bigger than New England, Boston and Providence. I am international.
I've learned how to be better not basic.
I've learned in 2014

I've Lost....
I've lost and released my best friend of 20 years with love. If we ever rekindle our friendship, I hope I am open to love her again in a different capacity.
I've lost sleep and energy on people who never serve an inkling of purpose within my life. Why, Drea?
I've lost a piece of peace, worrying and pondering over nonsense and what ifs.
I've lost myself trying to keep up with nobodies. What a waste because they lived in la la land.
I've lost family members to death, sickness and unhealthiness.
I've lost a lucrative job due to learning how to not accepting abuse and mediocrity.
I've lost meaningless disagreements over simple bullish and I'm thankful.
I've lost respect for some people who never earned my respect.
I've lost patience.
I've lost in 2014

I've Loved....
I've loved myself to say no and relinquish any kind of controlling nature.
I've learned how to love, forgive and become a better daughter for the sake of my Father and I relationship. We are a work in progress.
I've learned how to love, surrender and forgive people in my own way.
I've loved how people doubt me.
I've learned to love how to use my voice, power and hope to motivate people and get things done.
I've learned how to love my husband in a different capacity from our best friendship.
I've learned how to love the many facets of Andrea Camille Stallworth Imafidon.
I've learned how to love Jehovah in my own way and appreciate all creations.
I've learned how to love and appreciate my life's journey.
I've learned that my love look different from others.
I've love the fact that I am writing and blogging again.
I've learned how to love in 2014

What have you learned, lost and loved in 2014? We would love to hear from you!

Thank you for reading and supporting Brown Girl From Boston

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