Friday, December 18, 2015

Support Your People, Support Black Businesses, Support Positivity!

#FLYFriday: Do you openly and honestly support your people? I mean truly support their up and coming business? Do you invest your time, energy, and money into their quality product/service or do you expect them to give you the hookup (Free $.99)? There are a lot of people who don't have the money, fame, or notoriety being overlooked on a daily basis because they are not deemed successful because they are not known around the world. I am hear to let you know that you need to support your local black businesses because they are doing the dang on thing.

People who are famous with money don't know you and perhaps don't care to know you. Stop glorying famous people with money and support the real. Support people you actually know who are doing amazing groundbreaking work!

Check out the video and actually watch it. Ponder upon it, share it, comment on it and if you have a solutions how we can better assist one another, please share that in the comment section.

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