Friday, September 17, 2021

The Glow Up SZN: Why Journaling is Therapeutic

My healing survival kit consists of journaling, therapy, and praying!

Besides being a blogger and content creator, I also utilize journaling to help me vent, grow, and self-reflect.

I've been consistently journaling since November 2020, when my life was flipped upside down. Journaling, praying, and therapy helped me shed the weight of my mind, body, and spirit. I took my journal everywhere I traveled to because I needed to dump my hurt, pain, happiness, uncertainty, darkness, and craziness on paper.

Journaling helped with my clarity, spirituality, and connection to myself and God.

Now I have all my students who take my interpersonal skills class journal about their lived experiences, and they enjoy it.

I'm on journal number 3, and I can't wait to pin more dopeness. I thoroughly enjoy witnessing my growth and glow up even though healing sucks and is long-suffering.

Do you journal? If so, what therapeutic change have you witnessed within yourself? Drop a comment in the comment section!

Sample Journal Prompts:

1. When you look in the mirror, what is the first thing you see? A problem? A friendly face? Something to criticize?

2. Do I radically accept who I am?

3. What is one thing you have learned about yourself this year? The Good? The Bad? The Ugly? The Resiliency you didn't think you possessed?

4. What is one brutal truth. Do you need to face but refuse to admit?

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